The children at Perry Hall celebrated Diwali in style and were treated to an afternoon of Indian drumming. They enjoyed experimenting with different rhythms and beats in their Bhangra Dhol drumming session with  famous bhangra musician Gubsy who performs all over the world. In addition to this, each year group had a Diwali afternoon in class where they created a variety of Diwali inspired craft.for example in  Year 5 enjoyed the story of Rama and Sita and the reasons behind celebrating the Festival of Light. They also created Mehndi hand patterns, which were inspired by the designs and artwork of Victorian artist, William Morris.In Year 4, the children learnt about the reasons behind the celebration of Diwali and the ways in which the festival is celebrated every year around the world. They then put their knowledge to the test with a quiz. Year 4 also created their own Rangoli patterns using chalk.In year 3, they looked at where Rangoli patterns came from and coloured some in as well as going outside and creating their own using chalk.Year 2 looked at Diwali in RE as a festival and why it is celebrated. They also looked at the story of Rama and Sita and listened to Bhangra music. As part of their art session, they made Rangoli patterns, lanterns and diva lamps.Nursery began sharing the Rama and Sita story. Over the last two weeks, children have taken part in some Bhangra dancing (using YouTube), dressed up in Asian clothing in the home corner, and creating Diva’s out of modelling clay. In maths, they have also begun learning a song ‘5 little Diva’s’.