The Best Perry Hall Christmas Album in the World… Ever! Vol. 1

As part of our Christmas celebrations, the children at Perry Hall have been working hard at creating a fabulously festive Christmas album. The children have explored the dynamics of their songs and made comparisons to another piece of Christmas music. The pieces chosen were a range of popular chart hits and traditional Christmas songs and carols. So grab a minced pie and a cup of hot chocolate, and enjoy, ‘The Best Perry Hall Christmas Album in the World… Ever! Vol. 1’.

Perry Hall Creatively Presents …  The Nativity 2020

Children across school have created art work celebrating the Nativity story. We hope you have enjoyed following our one-way system when exiting school to view the various scenes from the story. The story begins in year six and follows the route around school until the car park is reached. If you happened to miss this, please find below photos of the displays. Happy Christmas!

