Statutory requirement to deliver Relationships and Health Education
As you are aware, the Government has decided that all primary age children will be taught Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSHE) and Health Education. We will deliver this via our Personal, Social, Health & Economic (PSHE) curriculum, with the aim to equip children with the knowledge they need in order to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships as well as preparing them for a happy and successful adult life. This content is delivered during ‘Growing and Changing Week’ in the Summer Term. Parents are informed of the content of these lessons and have the opportunity to discuss any concerns with their child’s class teacher beforehand.
During the Year 6 RSHE ‘Growing and Changing Week’, pupils also have the opportunity to undertake a lesson on ‘Making Babies’. The content of this lesson is closely linked to our Science curriculum and parents have the option to withdraw their children from this (and only this lesson) if they wish.
Children in Years 4-6 also are supported in their RSHE understanding by the School Nurses, who come in to school to deliver sessions on puberty, menstruation and hygiene.
Following our parent/carer consultation period, during the Autumn Term 2020, please find below the confirmed versions of our RSHE policy and curriculum overview. Please also find below, ‘A Guide for Parents: Understanding RHE in your child’s Primary School’ in addition to the statutory guidance provided by the government for RSHE lessons.
If you do have any questions about our RSHE curriculum, then please do not hesitate to contact school.
PSHE Long Term Subject Overview
Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child’s primary school a guide for parents
Relationships Education RSE and Health Education